Category: … essays
Then the Letting Go
Forever’s Gonna Start Tonight Aaron Aryadharma Matheson 23 May – 15 June 2024 Liverpool St. Gallery, Sydney [First published in 2024 as catalogue essay for Forever’s…
Gardening Essentials / in Uncertain Arrangements with Ghosts, Among Others
[Published in Judith Wielander & Gilly Karjevsky (eds.) Parckdesign 2016: Jardin Essentiel, Parckdesign, Brussels, 2020. The book documents Jardin Essentiel, a public art project with…
Creole Gardens: Growing Otherwise
[Originally published in Hans Ulrich Obrist and Asad Raza (eds.) Mondialité Or the Archipelagos of Édouard Glissant, Brussels, Skira/Boghossian Foundation Villa Empain, 2017. Also translated…
Collective objects of anxiety: Things encountered and enacted in Paris, Autumn 2015
[Originally published 2016 in un Magazine 10.1: ‘Co-Workers’] It’s early October and I’ve come to Bétonsalon Centre for Art and Research for the opening of Co-Workers: Beyond Disaster.…
Plan Bienen: Sharing (in) the more-than-human city
[Text by Tessa Zettel & Sumugan Sivanesan; originally published 2016 in A Peer Reviewed Journal About_Excessive Research, Vol. 5, Issue 1. DARC (Digital Aesthetics Research Centre),…
Autonomy/Autarky or ‘Are you sure that’s normal?
[Conversation & photo essay originally published 2013 in Runway Issue 23: ‘Prototype’] In August 2013 Tessa Zettel (TZ) and Sumugan Sivanesan (SS) spent a week in…
Being an Account of Rain and the Various Ways to Capture it
Extract from the first printed title by ‘Tilting at Windmills Press‘, an underground publishing house that compiles and distributes anonymously authored pamphlets, each exploring a different…
Eating with Intent
Tessa Zettel [Published in Das 500, December 2011] In recent years, much of the work I’ve made in collaboration with Karl Khoe has been eaten.…
Remembering Ahead (Or How I Never Learnt to Play Bridge)
[First published as catalogue text in Kathryn Gray (ed.) Rules of Play, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney 2011] o o North: so spades is always the…
Land-escapes: à propos of time, the city and its other
Tessa Zettel & Karl Khoe [First published in Zanny Begg & Lee Stickells (eds.), The Right to the City, 2011, Tin Sheds Gallery, Sydney University] …